Macy is my song girl. We put up a youtube of her singing Sunshine in the Soul. What a crackup she is. she sang it for her baptism with no piano and no book. She sings it all around the house. I can not get it out of my head. When I am sinking in despair about microbiology I hear her singing. She is just too cute. Her baptism went well. Did I tell you I am losing my mind? Well I didn't bring a towel to dry myself off. Pretty funny with half wet shirt and tie. Did i tell you I forgot the programs and had to race home to get them? Yep I did make it back in time to be there for her baptism. I am amazed I didn't forget my name that day. But when you are the only male in the house you are forgiven or made fun of. mostly the latter. But it is OK by me. At least the remember who I am after being gone 5 days a week. Could always be worse right? I am thankful that my girls are realizing that the gospel is what is important. Jillian lost a molar the other night. She said with a wink that the tooth fairy would bring her 5.00 for this tooth. So in my infinite wisdom I typed up a letter for her by #173 tooth fairy that stated she wouldn't get any money until we checked all the rules about teeth with tootsie roll on them. She laughed when she saw me the next morning. The jig is up. But I always do leave them some wacky notes for Christmas and such. Well it is back to studying for me. What about you?